Tag Archives: Germany

Wavemaking – gently creating radical change!

Registration for first AgileCoachCamp Germany has been opened since Monday. It’s an unconference, which means it is self-organized – and self-organizing. By the way, isn’t it an oxymoron?

I’m happy that I have the opportunity to organize this event together with great and very enthusiastic people from the Agile scene.

One thing I’m very, very happy about is our unconference theme:

“Wavemaking – gently creating radical change!”

Those who know me personally may already know it: I like wavemaking. And I like nearly everything which has to do with radical change… So, that’s what I can contribute to the community. What I hope to learn there is: To do it gently – well, that hasn’t been one of my strengths so far. :-)

If you are an agile coach, change agent, agile leader or someone else who is interested in creating change (or making waves :o)) – then join our camp – please notice that there’s space for just 50 people.

And if you’re interested in sponsoring, please contact me, there are still some opportunities for sponsorship.

AgileCoachCamp Germany 2010

April, 30th – May 2nd

Seminarzentrum Rückersbach, near Frankfurt / Main

For further information please visit http://www.agilecoachcamp.eu